Wednesday 5th September 2012 – Aristotle is cross with his mum

Ari was supposed to be starting his bronze classes this month. He’d already delayed doing them because of holidays and expecting his mum to come into season, but the problem is that her season is late and she hasn’t started yet. If he started the classes this time round he’s either going to miss some for when his mum has to go to Switzerland or miss the exam because the puppies will be born then. It means he is now cross with his mother for her season being late. She says she doesn’t control these things and she just wishes everyone would stop asking her what’s happening as she has absolutely no idea. My Mistress has even talked to our vet about it, but she just sympathised and said her dog that she has just mated was two months late coming into season, so it happens to everyone. It’s bound to happen when we are least expecting it. It’s going to be like one of those watched kettles that don’t come to the boil until you have to answer the front door and aren’t there to do anything about it.

Anyway, Ari was in a bad mood even before being told he won’t be going to his bronze lessons as he’s got swimming today and he has decided that it doesn’t matter how much good it is doing and he doesn’t care how good everyone says he is at swimming, he doesn’t like it and that’s all there is to it. He will go, because he’s basically a nice dog, but he just wanted everyone to understand that it will be under protest and not because he wants to. My Master said that’s a bit like him doing any gardening, but my Mistress didn’t think that was a helpful comment.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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