Monday September 3rd 2012 – You’re mistaking me for someone who cares!

Apparently while helping with the 10k run yesterday my Mistress met a cocker spaniel puppy who has moved into the village. He’s only 11 weeks old and he’s very cute. Now just explain to me why I should be happy when my Mistress raves about a cocker spaniel! I have my own puppy to contend with. I really don’t need another.

A little late in the day, but summer seems to have arrived. Sunshine is forecast for at least the next few days which I for one think is a good thing. I wasn’t keen on getting out from under the duvet in the morning when it was cold. It might also make the spiders think it’s ok to stay outside a little longer which will please my Mistress, although cut down on the amount of protein that Shadow gets. Although her season has still not started, she is unusually playful and frisky, which can only mean it won’t be much longer. It’s either that or she’s a changed dog and is no longer the moody animal I know and love. Mind you it is causing chaos. When she and Aristotle run round the office and I start barking at them it seems to mean that my Mistress gets just a wee bit fraught.

It’s the end of the summer and nearly time for the schools to go back. You can tell when children have been on holiday too long. For a start they stop telling you information that is new to them as though you won’t have a clue what they’re talking about. Of course I have never personally studied some of the subjects in question but I believe my Mistress might have done many years ago. To be fair she has forgotten an awful lot too.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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