Ari did not want to go swimming yesterday. He was in a funny mood. He didn’t want to do any of the normal things. He was reluctant to do his exercises in the morning and was being silly and wouldn’t focus. Then when it came to swimming he simply did not want to go. He wasn’t given much choice and he did end up doing all the lengths he was supposed to, but every time he got within spitting distance of the end of the pool he made a lunge for it in the hope he could escape his ordeal. I asked him what it was all about and he just shrugged. He’s a bit young to be going through a teenage rebellion stage so I’m guessing he had his reasons and just didn’t want to share them. He’s such an amenable little puppy that it really isn’t like him. When I say amenable, I probably don’t really mean that. He most definitely cannot be bribed. It’s more that he’s a happy little chap and when he can see the point of something he’ll do it willingly. Of course if he doesn’t see the point you can spend hours explaining something to him before he will cooperate, but he understands what the swimming is all about and he thinks it’s a good idea. Maybe I’m a bad influence and he’s spent too much time with me.
There are times when you have to ask yourself if something just wasn’t meant to be. Tuesday, my Master had to leave work, collect his overnight bag and catch a train to London to meet some people in the evening. He left work, but there had been a lorry fire on his usual route. Apparently a cigarette end thrown out of a window had set a hay wagon on fire. Anyway, a journey that should have taken 45 minutes actually took an hour and 45 minutes. That was leg one. Then he had to get to the station a journey of 30 minutes, except there was a traffic problem and after an hour and 10 minutes he was still trying to get there. The next phone call we received was to say that he was on the train, but the one in front had broken down so he was stationery. You have to ask whether he should just have come home and spent the evening with his dog.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
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