Sunday 19th August 2012 – Anyone can cook, right?

Now you would think in this day and age, with microwaves and packets that tell you what to do, that anyone can cook. Of course, you’d be wrong. My Master wanted a pizza yesterday. He got it out of the freezer. He put it in the microwave and turned it on. It’s a bit like an exam, really, always read the packet carefully. He glanced at it. He read that in an 800w microwave you cook it for 3 minutes and in a 750w microwave cook for 3 ½ minutes. Sadly he put it on for a total of 6 ½ minutes thinking that one should follow the other. Even more sadly, we have a 900w microwave so it only really needed about 2 ½ minutes. Well we didn’t have flames, but it’s safe to say the resulting lump of charcoal were not edible even by a dog! So much for fast food.

Having missed it while on holiday, my Mistress eventually got round to watching the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games yesterday. A good job seeing it was the last day it was available on the BBC site in its entirety. I wasn’t even born in England and I could see that it was stirring stuff. She’d got tears in her eyes within the first few minutes as the children’s choirs sang songs we hold so dear in these islands. Really the whole Olympics has been a time to be very proud to be British.

We are also very proud to be able to announce that today our 500th story will go live on We like best the humour section and there are lots of those. The reason we dogs like them is because when our Mistress laughs out loud reading them, we have a good excuse to join in with a chorus of barking.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at