Wednesday 11th July 2012 – I have my uses

‘Alfie, what do I do to set up a blog?’ Oh the joy of finding myself giving out advice to my Mistress. It’s for the company website and it is going to be a mixture of information for readers and tips for writers. I’ve suggested giving it a name like ‘Dog bites’ but I don’t know whether she is taking up that particular suggestion. I said I could write it for her if she liked, but she thought I was too busy. Aristotle was jumping up and down in the background as only a puppy on springs can do, but I explained he wasn’t an experienced enough writer yet and besides he’d been too busy to write any of my diary for me, so what made him think he could take on an important role was beyond me. He went off looking a little crestfallen, but later said he’d write some entries for me, but thought I didn’t want him too. Ok, so I might have said that he didn’t do it as well as I did, but that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy a bit more time to put my paws up. My ‘senior’ dog food is arriving today and I think I should start taking that as an indicator that I should be slowing down as I head towards retirement. Megan said if I slowed down much more I’d stop, but I’m not going to listen to a girl with her paw in a pink boot!

My Master and Mistress agreed to spend half an hour a night doing the gardening together. ‘If it’s fine’ my Master said – so they managed one evening! The next week and a half isn’t looking quite so promising.  To be fair it wouldn’t be very safe to plug my master into the electric strimmer in this weather.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at