Wednesday 16th May 2012 – And we’re live…

Today is the big day. At 9am UK time the company, of which I am the patron dog, launches its brand new business venture. is THE place on the internet to buy short stories to read. We have fantastic authors from all over the world who all write in the English language. We’ve got some very funny stories. We’ve got some very sad stories and best of all we have stories with dogs in them. I think having me as patron may have encouraged writers of dog stories to submit their work. I think they thought they might have come to the right place, which of course they have. Anyway, please do take a look. Feel free to start buying stories. There’ll be new ones added every week so you should never run out and if you wouldn’t mind telling all your friends, neighbours, acquaintances, work colleagues, people at bus stops, anyone you pass in the street, then we’d be very grateful. I haven’t actually got any of my own writing on the site, but there are some of my Mistress’s stories.

On the home front, James is sitting his first GCSE today, so good luck from us all. I’ve never really sat any exams. I know from the girls how nerve-wracking they are. Ari did his puppy exam, but I never got that far thanks to the language barrier.

Dora is making progress, although we haven’t heard the result of her biopsy yet. We’re all thinking of you, Dora. Amigo has conjunctivitis, so you know what that means. There are five of us. Conjunctivitis spreads. The vet said you can improve it with cold tea bags. So we are all trying tea bags. Amigo was first and he tried to eat the tea bag, which wasn’t the idea.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –