I have been chalking the days off on the wall of the kennel. Not just counting the days off to going home, but how many days into her season Megan is. She was supposed to be ready to mate at day 12 or 13. Shadow was ready on days 8 and 9. Yesterday for Megan was day 18 and still nothing happens! That is not strictly true – my Mistress got completely lost on her way back from visiting Megan’s boyfriend because the motorway was closed. That and Megan had a date by candlelight. What else does the poor boy have to do? Actually the way Megan told the events of yesterday she’d like the poor boy to get on with it now. She had enough of playing games and is ready to get it over and done with. It’s her last day today so I’m crossing my paws. Actually after what my Mistress said, I think them not mating yesterday was a blessing. You know how sometimes she has slightly crazy ideas? Well yesterday was ‘Liberation Day’ in the Netherlands. In Dutch they call the day Bevrijdinsdag – which begins with the letter ‘B’. If you’ve been following the diary for the last few weeks you may be able to guess where this is going. My Mistress had decided that if the puppies were conceived yesterday she would call Megan’s first born Bevrijdinsdag in honour of the day. If it had been a girl I suppose it could have been shortened to Bev, and to be fair the same could have happened if it was a boy, though personally I’ve never been hot on Beverley as boys’ name. The worst part was that no one in England would be able to either spell or pronounce the dog’s name. It’s bad enough for most people that we’ve got a Flemish kennel name and house name, though I’m rather proud of them.
The other piece of news is that from tomorrow for a short time we are going to be a five dog household and the boys will be in the majority. Duke, or Amigo as he seems to be responding more happily to, is being picked up on the way back tomorrow. I just hope he isn’t supposed to be sharing my bed.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA