Sunday 15th April 2012 – They did it

What an amazing day yesterday was for our breed. All three girls passed their final breeding tests. It means that the number of girls eligible to have litters for our breed in England has gone from 2 to 5 in one go. The other two are too young, but Megan can go to the Netherlands just as soon as her season starts. I’m very proud to say that our Megan scored an excellent, which is the highest you can get. Well done Megan. We’re all really excited about the news and can’t wait to welcome you back. They have started their journey home and got as far as Strasbourg last night. My Mistress wasn’t impressed by the hotel. Not only was the restaurant closed on a Saturday night but when she came back to the hotel from finding food the door was locked and you had to ring the bell. The problem was that it took twenty minutes for someone to answer the ring. My Mistress was not happy by the time they did. She muttered something in half French and half English and stormed off to her room. She was planning to take Megan out again later, but after that she didn’t think she could face the poor girl on the desk.

There was other exciting news too. For Shadow, my Mistress thinks she might have found a nice stud dog to meet later in the year. She said he is very handsome and from what she can see she would be a good match, but she’ll talk to Shadow about it when she gets home and show us all a picture. For me, my father sent his love. He was very well and pleased to hear news of me. My Mistress gave him a little cuddle on my behalf. Even though he is now ten years old he is still very handsome. There was even news for Aristotle as my Mistress met one of his half brothers. They both have the same father. Now Aristotle is jumping up and down saying he wants to go. Maybe next year. I wonder if maybe my Mistress could just take us boys for a family outing and leave the girls at home.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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