Monday 9th April 2012 – The Anticipation of Mischief

Now I’m not saying there has been any mischief, no! This is about mischief in the making. Not just a little bit of mischief either. If all goes to plan this is mischief on a grand scale. Many legged mischief. It’s Megan. Megan is definitely planning for some very significant mischief. If you are of a tender disposition or under the age of 18 (who am I kidding?) then today’s blog is not for you. Megan is making her preparations to go to visit Alwin in the Netherlands. We’re not talking ‘dropping by for a dog biscuit and a bowl of water’. Even though they haven’t met yet their first date plans involve a lot more than that. Megan has started taking her daily dose of ‘Fit and Fertile’ ready for the exciting events of the next few weeks. Aristotle blushed rather when I explained it all to him. Although he’d had dreams of being a stud dog, he hadn’t fully understood what it was all about and how things actually happen. Now he does! He’s not so sure it’s for him anyway. He finds girls a bit confusing and isn’t sure he wants to get quite that close to them. Anyway, we still don’t know exactly when Megan is going to see Alwin. She has to pass her tests next Saturday first and then it depends on her being at the right point of her season, but it’s not going to be long. You may remember that when my Mistress took her nephew with her for Shadow’s mating in Switzerland they concluded that witnessing dogs… well… you know… was enough to put a human ever having that sort of relationship. So to all the parents out there with teenagers: If you want your children to go through the ultimate dissuasion from an early pregnancy, just book them in to go as spectators when my Mistress takes Megan. Of course that trip also resulted in Shadow having to stay away for a while because her chip failed and proved very stressful for all of us, but surely it can’t happen twice!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –


  1. Haha Alfie,

    You’re so funny!! I just wish I had any idea what you’re talking about – I had dreams of being a Stud Dog too, but Mum said it’s not possible anymore – huh? I’m just a naive little pup (I’m not even 2 yet)….. 🙂

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

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