Saturday 17th March 2012 – I admit to being grumpy

It’s the tablets. Last time I was on these tablets I was like a bear with a sore head and a dog being like a bear is never a good thing! I’m grumpy. Everyone is annoying me and I keep barking to remind everyone that I’m not best pleased. I’m not normally like this. If my Mistress would just give in and stay in bed with me all day it wouldn’t be a problem but she does insist on getting up and doing things. We had visitors last night and they stayed way past my bedtime. I’m a dog who likes his routine. I went up to bed and didn’t let them being there bother me, but they were in the room below me and I kept hearing them laughing. You know what it’s like. There you are feeling like a really miserable out of sorts dog and you can hear people enjoying themselves. Today I’m going to make a special effort to be nice to everyone. My Mistress has declared the arrival of spring and is removing the winter protection from the plants in the garden and starting to do some clearing up. Aristotle is, of course, helping with the gardening and I’m watching proceeding, which is what I’ve found I’m best at. I’ve even convinced my Mistress that if it stays dry she will take a bed outside for me, which can’t be bad.

Ari’s sister Dora hasn’t been well. He asked if I could just send all our love to her for a speedy recovery. Anyway, hi Dora, get well soon. Hi to Duke, Rafa, Arnie, Soggeli, and Addie as well. I wouldn’t want you all to feel left out.

We’ve been thinking of names for Megan’s litter. They need to start with the letter B. I said we should run a competition on the blog to see what the best names are you can come up with. You can either email your suggestions to me or post them as comments. We might even come up with a prize if there are any that Megan really likes.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –