Tuesday 21st February 2012 – He’s not stupid

You have to paw it to him. Aristotle knows how to make himself comfortable. My Mistress said he needed to rest as he still has a bit of a pulled muscle in his leg. So he arranged the cushions from the couch as comfortably as possible and then settled himself right in the middle of them. He didn’t need telling twice. He’s a real dog after my own heart.  He says he wants to look and feel his best in time for Discover Dogs at Crufts. I think he’s been spending too much time with the girls. Megan is now worried in case she starts to lose her fur in preparation for her season and then looks all scraggy for Discover Dogs. My Mistress has reassured her that her season isn’t due until the start of May so she should look her best right through March. Of course that explanation would have gone down a lot better if Megan hadn’t moved on to the possibility of not looking her best for her final test in Switzerland. That’s the thing with girls, there always seems to be some reason that they think they need to look their best. After Switzerland it will be meeting the stud dog, then it will be wanting to look good for the inevitable photos when she gives birth. I said she should see the photos of Shadow giving birth, she couldn’t look worse than that. For some reason that gave rise to Shadow going for me again. I was only saying!

Don’t forget there’s still time to enter our competition to win tickets to Crufts. If you look at Saturday’s diary you will find all the details and can enter up to 6pm GMT this evening. Ari will announce the winner tomorrow if he can be bothered to climb down from his pile of cushions.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA