Saturday 11th February 2012 – Discover Dogs Schedule

Aristotle has now been told which sessions he will be attending Discover Dogs at Crufts. He’s going to be there on Thursday morning, Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon. He may pop in on Friday but if he’d rather have the day off then that’s all right too.  He really is very excited about the Sunday as he will see his favourite sister Addie (Adrienne). She was bigger than him when they last met and he can’t wait to see what she thinks of how much he’s grown.

He wants to go to see the Obedience Classes so he knows what exactly he needs to work towards if he goes down that route. He’s also excited as my Mistress has told him he can choose a present for helping and if he would like he could have a new bed or blanket of his very own. He’s never had one of his own yet so he’s very happy. I’m almost at the point of wishing I could go too, but I do so hate people playing with my ears. It hurts me. Humans always think that dogs like their ears stroked, but in my case they’d be wrong. I said I could cover my ears with my paws but My Mistress pointed out that that would be quite a difficult position to maintain for the whole morning and to be fair I think she has a point.

Ari wanted me to run another competition to win tickets today, but I’ve told him he has to wait until next week as we only have one more pair of tickets to give away. He said couldn’t we find some more, but I had to explain it wasn’t quite like that. It just means you’ll all have to look in again next Saturday for another chance to win a pair of free tickets to meet Ari and get to see the wonderful Crufts Dog Show.

The kids are away so the house is very quiet. The downside is there aren’t so many people around to make a fuss of us. Ari minds most. He misses Andy when he isn’t here, but we are getting some lovely time with my Master and Mistress so it isn’t all bad. I like being able to stay in bed at a weekend.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –