Just before I start, don’t forget there’s still time (until 6pm GMT) to enter our competition to win tickets for Crufts. You need to see Saturday’s entry for the details.
It wasn’t until Shadow barged past me pushing me out of the way yesterday that I asked her what was wrong. It turns out it was her birthday and I’d forgotten. After I’d apologised to her profusely and made a fuss of her she told me she was feeling down thinking about

her brother Freddy having died and not being around to share her birthday. I felt really mean having forgotten then. She was also down because it was still snowy outside and she can’t go out and really enjoy it because she’s in season. In the end we had a little party for her to try to cheer her up, but she wasn’t really in the mood. Some of it was down to her hormones. She’s never at her best when she’s in season and Ari hasn’t even begun to understand how moody women can be so was still bouncing everywhere. Anyway, a belated happy birthday to Shadow and to her brothers Rocky and Kai. I hope you all had a good day one way or another.
To be honest I’ve had a lot on my mind recently. The company my Master worked for is in administration so he may not have a job for much longer. Every morning when I say goodbye to him I wonder if he’s going to be home in another hour or two. The worst of it is that it may well mean we have to move house. For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while you will realise that is quite a tragic prospect. Before we moved into this house we did a big extension to it and even the dogs of the family were consulted on what we would like. We have a window in the office that goes right down to the floor so we can lie by the window watching the world go by. We’ve got our own shower room right by the back door. The girls have got the benefit of a utility which has everything they need for when they have puppies. There’s room for my Mistress’s mattress, running water, plenty of work surface and room for their whelping box. We’ve got stone floors through much of downstairs so that we don’t get told off if we accidentally run in with wet or muddy paws. From a dog’s perspective it’s a pretty cool house. I think we’re all feeling rather down, except Ari who still thinks all houses are like this and doesn’t know anything else.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
Happy Birthday to Shaodow ,
it´s so nice to see this picture , Rocky hopes she can enjoy a nice birthday walk very soon ,would love to run around with little sis.
All best wishes from Germany
Rocky and Annette