Wednesday 1st February 2012 – Aristotle full of excitement

Well it’s Aristotle here again. I don’t know whether to start by telling you about our competition or my first ever puppy class. I’m just as excited about both of them.

Now, I’ve counted on my planner and there are 37 days until Crufts if you include today and the day I actually get there.  I may not be there all four of the days as I would get very tired if I were to do that, but I will definitely be there on the Thursday morning, the Sunday afternoon and maybe some of Saturday too. I can’t wait to see all the sports and

activities I can take part in when I grow up. I think I want to try my paw at obedience, but I’m not ruling out flyball or agilty. By the time I’m grown up I hope we’ll have our interim breed standard too and then I might be able to take part in the main competition. I’ve got a long way to go before that though. I think the best bit for me this year will be to tug at my coat every few steps round all the stands and ask for new toys, beds, bowls, leads and every accessory a puppy around town could ever want.

It’s really good of Alfie to let me tell you about the competition. Anyway, on Saturday Alfie is going to ask you five questions. You need to find the answers (he says he’ll tell you where to look) and then email them to him at by Tuesday next week and I will get to draw out one of the correct entries and tell them they have won a pair of tickets to any day of Crufts – how exciting is that? What’s even better is that if you don’t win in next week’s draw there will be another chance after that. Don’t worry if you can’t visit the blog on Saturday, the questions will still be there to look at right up to the deadline for entering. The girls have told me it’s a fantastic day out and they had great fun meeting lots of children as well as adults. One little boy spent ages with his arms wrapped around Megan and she just knows that when he grows up he’s going to want a dog just like her. She was so proud to have been able to help him find his perfect dog. You can buy tickets if you don’t win. If you love dogs then you’ll love Crufts.

I can tell you about my puppy class now. We go to one that is part of the Kennel Club Good Citizen Scheme. It’s really very good and both Shadow and Megan love their classes too. I’m hoping to move up to the classes they are in soon, but I’m not sure how it would work if we were in the same one as My Mistress couldn’t take us at the same time. At the moment I’m in puppy classes. It’s sort of the ‘pre-school’ for dogs. I’ve got a new friend called George. He’s really tiny, but we got on very well. Then there are two puppies learning to be guide dogs. I’m very impressed by their determination to do something useful with their lives. I thought I would have the best name of any dog there, but there’s one called Hemmingway and I thought that was rather good. I asked my Mistress when I’m a stud dog if I could be father to a puppy called Hemmingway, but she says that is getting a little ahead of myself. You’ll be pleased to know I did almost everything I was told and didn’t misbehave at all. It was tremendous fun and I came home totally exhausted. I can’t wait for next week.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –