Wednesday 18th January 2012 – Aristotle again

How did that happen? I was weighed at the vet’s yesterday and it seems I’m not that little anymore. I weigh a rather impressive 14.2kg. I was very excited when the vet said she thought I would be at least as big as Alfie. It just goes to show you the incentive there is to grow when you are told that you were the runt of the litter. I am over 1kg heavier than Arnie who was my ‘big’ brother when we were born. My Mistress doesn’t want me to get too big in case I choose the stud dog route as a career option. If I’m too big then I won’t be able to. I’d just like to be big and strong like Alfie or my dad.

Alfie’s busy with book promotions again today. I don’t think he’s ever worked so hard. When I last checked he was trying to work out how to package up five books to send them out as a stock order. He wants my Mistress to take them to the Post Office on her way out today. However, the problem is that most Post Offices seem to be closed on a Wednesday after 12.30 and she won’t be free before that. It’s very exciting though, to think that at last it will actually be in stock somewhere for immediate sale. My Mistress is waiting for the day that she can get on a train and see a complete stranger reading her book. Then she says she will feel like a real writer. I’m not sure what she feels like now.

Anyway, as the puppy of the house it is my job to cause as much trouble as I can while they are working. I’ve already had a fight with my cushion and made a huge amount of noise chasing my toy, which gives out food, all round the floor. I can’t get the apple juice as it’s too high up and my Mistress has taken her handbag with her so I can’t eat that again. I suppose I could just be generally annoying and maybe howl a bit for attention. I can do a really good line in howling when I try hard. I seem to have been born with the skill. It doesn’t harm to do a bit of practice though to keep my paw in. You can join in if you like. After three I want you to give a really loud and very mournful howl. One, two, three…

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –