Sunday 15th January 2012 – Launch of the ‘smiling dog’ imprint

Tomorrow is a momentous occasion. It is the launch of our first proper paperback book under the ‘smiling dog’ imprint. The first book published by the company that has been named after me.

The books arrived from the printers on Friday. It was one of the reasons I stayed in bed.

Firstly because I didn’t want to have to help moving a quarter of a tonne of books and

secondly because I was worried in case they hadn’t turned out all right and my Mistress was in a bad mood. As it turns out they look brilliant and could match any paperback on sale anywhere. The new website is set up an operating for sales within the UK, you have to email for outside the UK so we can sort postage rates. That bit was harder to write into the website, but we will in the next few weeks. You can take a look at . You can get signed copies through our website, but we are on sale on Amazon too

I’m officially marketing manager of the company. I have a special email address, it’s all very professional. Tomorrow I have to start talking to the wholesalers and bookshops to get them to stock the book. I’ve got to package up the review copies to send out too so I’m going to be very busy. It means I shall have to let Aristotle write tomorrow’s Monday Mischief diary, but I’m sure he’ll rise to the challenge.

I’d love it to be my book that’s out in print, but at least the company is in my name. My Mistress has said if we do really well then she might let me publish one of my books later. So I’m going to work really hard to try to make it a success.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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