Thursday 29th December 2011 – Aristotle’s first long car journey

Just my luck. “Be a good dog and sit in the back looking after Ari, please Alfie.” I wanted to sit in the front with my Mistress or at worst in the back and watch the DVD with the others, but no, I get to travel in the boot with the puppy that whines in the car. ON a short journey my Mistress sings to the puppies to keep them calm and quiet, but if she thinks I’m singing to a fourteen week old puppy for the whole of a 140 miles each way journey then she is sadly mistaken. 140 miles of ‘are we nearly there yet?’ will get a bit much too. He might be grateful he’s in a crate if he gets really annoying!

There’s another problem as well. Ari is too small to see out of the window and will spend the whole time saying “What can you see, Alfie? Is the next one a red car or a blue car?” The only blessing is that playing I-spy is a very short lived game when the main thing he can see is the inside of a crate. “Something beginning with ‘b’” Er, blanket. “Something beginning with ‘t’” Er toy. ‘Something beginning with ‘c’” Er crate – and that’s about it. I suppose when you think about it like that you can understand the little chap getting bored. It’s his first long distance journey so it’s all a little bit exciting in a bouncy puppy sort of way. We are off to see my grandparents and what I must remember when we get there is not to get my rubber chicken out to play with. It has lasted me ages as I’m the only one who plays with it. The one I had here for Christmas was destroyed by Aristotle in the space of around 24 hours. His little turkey is fine. Oh yes, no damage done to that. Mine has had to go in the bin to stop him eating it.

I was hoping to bring you some pictures with my new camera before we set off, but it hasn’t been delivered. It was supposed to be coming yesterday but the company seem to have let us down. My Mistress wasn’t at all happy as she’d paid extra for the ‘next day delivery’ option. They have said they will refund the money but that isn’t the point. You pay for that option not because you want the money back but because you wanted your item delivered. It’s times like these that it is a pain not being able to ‘collect from store’ very easily as there are no stores near where we live. Maybe tomorrow.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –