Not even out of the holiday season and my Mistress is already asking us what our plans are for the coming year. For Megan it was easy, she said she was looking to have a litter of healthy puppies, look after them as best she could and then be emotionally and mentally strong enough to wave them off as they go to their new homes. Shadow found it a little harder. She said she may just work on her gold award in dog training this year and wait to have her next litter of puppies until the following year. Then she turned to Aristotle and me. Well Aristotle looked horrified. It was his first realisation that he was going to have to work for a living. He whispered to me “Does that really mean we can’t just play all year?” and I gravely shook my head. He looked a little crestfallen and then smiled sweetly and asked my Mistress what she was hoping he would do. I have to say that was a smart approach on his part. It saved him the embarrassment of coming out with something that was deemed frivolous. For my part I said I was going to keep writing my diary and bring you all the news as it happens of Megan’s litter when they are born and if things go to plan I might bring out another book, but more of that later. I also said I would provide wisdom and guidance in the bringing up of my little friend and that seemed to go down well. Ari’s objectives looked quite tough given his age. He is expected to complete and pass his puppy classes and then work his way through his bronze and silver badges. He’s allowed to wait until next year before doing his gold. The best bit behind Ari doing his awards is that it gets me out of it. My Mistress had talked about me coming to them a little later in life, but I wasn’t so sure. It isn’t that I wouldn’t have enjoyed it, but I was worried that I might fail and can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?
You will be pleased to know the camera is ordered, but it won’t be here for a day or two so

I’m scrabbling around to find some pictures you might like in the meantime. I though you might like this one of me taken a few years ago.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA