Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Master, happy birthday to you. Yesterday it was Christmas presents and today we can do it all again with birthday presents. I don’t suppose there will be any more for us dogs, but to be honest we didn’t get through all the ones we had yesterday. There are plans to test each of our dog IQ’s using Shadow’s present. I think from observation that Aris is going to do pretty well.
So there we were about to put all the bits other than the turkey in the oven when the power went off. The electric power. All the electric power and we don’t have gas in our village. The good news was that it was only off for about 10 minutes, but it certainly took us all by surprise. Sadly, the surge in it either going off or on blew our tv up so there was nothing for anyone to play games on. We seem to have survived without it and it meant there were more people free to play with us. I wanted to bring you lots of photos of us playing with our new toys and some of them are really cool. You might think I have been prevented by the fact of my Mistress’s camera not working, but she hit it against the desk and it seems to have partly cured the problem. So we can take photos, but I still can’t show you as Ari thought the lead wasn’t needed anymore so he chewed through it. He feels a bit foolish now as the camera works but won’t connect to the computer. He’s said he’s sorry

and says the new lead can come out of his pocket money. Fortunately it doesn’t cost a lost to replace. I said we ought to take a video with sound of him playing with his new squeaky turkey, and that gave my Mistress an idea. She thought she could use the webcam to take a photo, but it didn’t come out very well so she went back to the drawing board. For today she says you can have a photo taken a couple of days ago, but I think she has plans to go to the sales to see what she can get. I presume my demands for one that is easy to get my paws round will have fallen on deaf ears!
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
Cables taste better than you might think 🙂