Yesterday was one of those ‘good news, bad news’ days. Good news – Ari has learnt to go downstairs, bad news – he doesn’t always get it right and lands in a heap at the bottom. Good news – my Mistress finally sent her book to the printers and it should be on sale by the end of January, bad news – she started reading a book for Book Group on Kindle and then left her Kindle on the appointments counter at the hospital. Good news – you’ve found the dinosaur lampshade for Andy’s room. Bad news- in making it you’ve connected the tail onto the end of the wing by mistake and need to start again. (It does look good now it’s up though and I think I’d like one in my room, except I don’t have my own room.) Then of course I got all excited when I saw the name ‘Alfie’ as winning a new dog bed and then realised it was my friend Alfie Entlebucher and not me. I suppose I’ll have to visit him to see if he’ll let me try it. It was one of those days where by the end of it you are all happy to sink into bed and think you’ll try again tomorrow.
Now it’s tomorrow and we are already off to a good start. The hospital has rung my Mistress and said yes they do have her Kindle and it is in a safe place. She’s going to collect it later on this morning. My Master is on holiday today too so he can look after us while she is gone. I think she may be looking for the final presents while she’s out. I know she said she still has to get something for Megan.
Ari’s new crate arrived yesterday. It’s a big one so that he has plenty of room. Unfortunately he missed being in his cosy little one and woke us all at 3am crying. My Mistress ended up sleeping on the settee downstairs with him, so he was more than happy in the end. We’re going to put his cushion and one or two toys in tonight to see if that will help.
My Mistress loves this picture of the little fellow. He looks o like his mother in it.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
I’ve just picked my new bed – can’t wait for it to arrive! *waggy tail* I’ve never won anything before so I’m very excited and I picked a really big and cozy bed! Don’t worry – it’ll be your name next time though Alfie! I’ve just posted another competition on Facebook – you can win a cam corder this time round!