Monday 19th December 2011 – Repeat after me…

Now for those of you who remember back a week or two I’m supposed to be taking part in Monday Mischief, but normally I feel a bit of a fraud as we’re very well behaved dogs and I can’t claim to have been involved in mischief. I regret to inform you that this week is different.

Ari meets Santa

I cannot be trusted around marzipan. I cannot be trusted around marzipan. I have to write it out 100 times. I cannot be trusted around marzipan. I suggested it might be better to make my Mistress write “I should not leave marzipan on the table when I go out.” To be fair the marzipan was securely fastened in a plastic bag and I had seen my Mistress going to a lot of trouble with getting the orange food colouring to go through it evenly ready for making marzipan fruits. I was good. I could have eaten the fruit and veg she’d already made, but I didn’t. I only ate what was waiting to be made into shapes and even then I restricted myself to the orange. I could have eaten the green, red, yellow and purple but I limited myself. To be honest the orange was so like the red I thought she wouldn’t miss it, but I forgot to put the empty plastic bag in the bin so it gave me away. And it was a protest because I didn’t get to go to the Carols on the Green and see Santa. They could have taken me as well as Ari. It didn’t help that Ari came back saying what a great time he’d had and how many lovely people he had met. Ah well. I’ll be forgiven soon. Ari made everyone laugh by taking part in singing one of the carols. He didn’t know the words but it didn’t stop him singing along in true Entlebucher fashion. I always thought the other three of us had a wide vocal range, but Ari is a born singer and can hit notes I didn’t even know existed. Today’s photo is Ari meeting Santa for the first time.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –


  1. Hey Alfie,

    I’m not surprised you had a little protest buddy!! I think you may get to go to the Carols next time……

    You really have to work on ‘hiding the evidence’ though!!

    Have a fun day you Mischief Maker,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  2. Who could blame you – I would have assumed the marzipan was for me as well if I was left all alone when everyone else went carol singing!

    Tell Ari to keep practicing his singing – there will be endless opportunities to use his Entle voice as he grows up (when waiting for the bus if it takes too long, on the bus if its too slow, if its too cold outside, if its raining and he gets wet – and so on!)

    *waggy tail*

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