It’s not fair. This afternoon there are Carols on the Green and Santa will be coming to see all the children. I am not being taken to see Santa. What’s worse is that Ari will go. Ok, so he’s never seen Santa before and he’s still at that age where he believes in him (although to

be fair, my Mistress is still at that age where she believes in him too!). In my Mistress’s words ‘it will be a good part of his socialisation’. I suppose if he ever runs into men in big red cloaks with long beards he’ll just shrug and say he’s seen it all before, but I want to go. It’s fun and I might get a present. Ari said if there are any nice presents he’ll bring something back for me, but I wanted to be there in person. I probably shouldn’t have admitted to no longer believing in Father Christmas, but there you go I’ve reached that cynical age.
My Mistress may have the opportunity to meet one of my half sisters when she takes Megan to the Netherlands to be mated next year. I would love to go. It’s always nice to meet family, particularly those you haven’t met before. Apparently she has won a big show in the Netherlands, which is very exciting. It makes me proud to say she’s my sister.
Last night was good. My Mistress has been making marzipan fruit and veg. I always think that marzipan parsnips are so much better than the real thing. Anyway I sat and waited for the bits she dropped. It was funny, me sitting one side and Ari the other. I let him get some bits, although to be fair I can move quickly enough where marzipan is concerned so that I could have got them all, but he’s been great at sharing things with me, so fair’s fair!.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –