It wasn’t the best of nights, my Mistress wasn’t feeling well so we went to bed early and had the baby monitor on to hear if Ari was ok. At 3.20 this morning it was Megan who woke us. I think she must have been having a nightmare. She was shaking when my Mistress went down to give her a cuddle. Anyway, after that Ari wouldn’t settle again so we ended up sleeping downstairs with him, which he thought was a great wheeze. Having brought a duvet downstairs my Mistress has concluded that it would be a shame not to use it for the rest of the day so has stationed herself on the couch and asked us to play quietly.

We’ve been playing tug with an old rope and it really is very difficult to do that quietly.
It’s particularly cold outside this morning. Ari has learnt that you can’t drink from a frozen bird bath and that it is a very odd feeling when your tongue is on ice. He says he won’t be doing it again in a hurry. It’s cold under-paw too, but we aren’t provided with nice cosy sheepskin lined slippers to go out in. Not that I’m jealous. Although I am definitely jealous my Ari’s new Mr Happy toy. He’s great. I’ll try to take their photo together later. He only gets it to play with when he has been good and done all his toileting outside. It’s his reward as he isn’t so keen on nibbles between meals. I’m not allowed to play with Mr Happy. I suppose I shouldn’t have been so quick to learn my toilet training and then I could have had one. Yet again it proves that it doesn’t pay to be good.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –