Well Aristotle should have been christened ‘Houdini’. Yesterday my Mistress had to take James for a hospital appointment. Admittedly it ran on a little longer than she was expecting and she was out most of the afternoon. I had been left in charge. Oh my. It turns out that Aristotle has learnt how to climb. He was in a big metal pen that is 70cm high and seems perfectly secure. I must have dozed off. I might have gone upstairs to find a comfortable bed if the truth be known. I presumed he was ok. He was pretending to sleep when I left him. I was woken by the girls barking in response to the thud when, having climbed over the walls of his pen he then landed with a thud on the ground. By the time I found him he was happily chewing the end off the zip of the settee cover, none the worse for his experience. He has also learnt to climb on the settee. Boy am I in trouble for dereliction of duty. I tried to come up with an acceptable story of how it all happened, but I had to admit I might have been asleep at the time. Fortunately there was no real harm done, except to the zip, but as that was already broken my Mistress can’t complain too much. When she came in he was sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for her. It gave her a bit of a surprise to see him there, but looking on the bright side at least he didn’t learn to go downstairs all in the same afternoon. It has been determined that for Christmas he will not be getting the big pile of toys he’d asked for. Instead he is getting a big crate that has a roof that he can’t climb out of.
The photo today shows the demise of grey bear. He’s now the many pieces of grey bear

and we are having just as much fun playing with him. It’s just a slightly different game.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
Oh Aristotle – you are a genius! Its time your humans realised puppy pens are only for naughty puppies, not clever and inquisitive puppies like you and me! *waggy tail*