I’m a bit down in the dumps. I seem to have an infection that is making me pee all the time. I don’t mean to. I’d like to be improving on my toilet training. It’s not like there isn’t an incentive. I don’t get to go in the rooms with carpets at the moment. It’s not so bad, most of downstairs has hard floors and I can get to the pee mat in time most of the time, but not always. I’m on antibiotics, but I’m finding the tablets quite difficult to swallow. I spat the pieces out several times yesterday before finding that if I chew them a bit, they may not taste very nice but they are a lot easier to swallow. I quite like the ham they are wrapped in to help them go down. I had my boosters yesterday, including the one they squib up the nose. I grumbled less than Alfie, but then the vet did something much more unpleasant to him involving emptying his over full anal glands. I don’t even want to begin to describe how bad that smelt!
I’m settling into the routine of life round here. To be honest I think I’m being just a tiny bit spoilt but I’m not going to complain. I get so many cuddles and kisses it’s brilliant. I went out in my rucksack the other day to have a look at the world. It didn’t look too bad. I’m almost looking forward to when I can walk out on my own. I’m not sure what I will think of the lead and not being able to run off, but I quite like the little harness I’ve got. It was Alfie’s when he was little.
I’m hoping this works. I really wanted you to see the picture of Mum that my Mistress

took a couple of days ago. Mum had taken to sitting on the dining chairs. She looks so funny. I can’t even climb up that high, but I’m hoping to learn one day.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You see those Santa figurines behind your mummy in the window? That’s what you need to be aiming for – just grab them and run! Best game in the world 🙂
Hope you’re feeling better soon little buddy so you can get potty trained 🙂
Ari, give Mom a kiss and tell her she looks lovely.