I seem to be a bit of a bah humbug sort of dog this morning. Ari got my Mistress up at 6.50 and I refused to go downstairs with her. It was a choice between her warm cosy bed or accompanying her downstairs to deal with the little squirt. It was an easy choice. I did get up when she came back for me at about 8, but only under sufferance. Now that I have come down the little squirt keeps barking at me because he wants me to play. Which bit of it’s Sunday and I want to be left alone do you think he isn’t getting?
Yesterday my Mistress put the new ramp up to the car to see if she could get us to use it. I just looked at her, but smarty-pants Ari Dog promptly ran up it and then when she put him back on the floor, he ran up it again. I suppose it just secures his place in the crate in the boot, while I’m planning to be up front with my Mistress anyway.
Winter is not the time to toilet train a reluctant puppy. For a start you have to be prepared to stand outside for a long time and as my Mistress is finding when it’s freezing outside and you’re in your dressing gown that’s not so much fun. It isn’t going entirely well. Mind you

from Air’s perspective, the whole relationship with his mum thing isn’t going well. She just doesn’t seem to like him. My Mistress tried to give them some more time together yesterday to see if she could get then through it, but as you can see from the photo she wasn’t entirely successful.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA