You’ve got to love life around a small puppy. Yesterday there was great celebration as he managed to poo outside for the first time. Sadly since then he’s gone off that idea again and we are back to clearing up, but it’s a start. I’m a bit late writing this morning as firstly I don’t feel awfully well this morning. Nothing specific, just a bit tired and wanting a sleep, while Ari on the other paw has woken up full of beans and is in need of constant monitoring as he bounds around the office. I do find writing quite hard when he jumps on me half way through a sentence.
Apparently I have to babysit outside in a while as my Mistress wants to sort out her car and put everything in it out of the old one. While she does that, someone has to keep an eye that Ari doesn’t eat more than his fair share of the carnation plants. It’s not as bad as it sounds. They weren’t going to flower anymore this year, although I was in trouble when my Mistress asked if I’d been joining in and I said “Who me?” all innocence but with a carnation bud trailing out of the side of my mouth like Ermintrude the cow in The Magic Roundabout.

When I was a puppy I would pounce on my cushion to introduce that element of surprise in between eating mouthfuls of my food. With Ari he takes a similar approach with tail chasing. To be honest he makes me quite giddy. I have largely given up tail chasing as a pointless and sometimes painful pursuit, but I guess he’s yet to learn that. I took today’s photo just after he’d finished chasing his tail and was wondering what to do next. It turned out that try to climb on me was next.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
I find chasing your tail is a bit like yoga – it clears your mind 🙂