Monday 28th November 2011 – Not enough mischief going on here

Well it’s all very well being part of Monday Mischief but we are all perfectly behaved in this household and no one really got up to anything very much. I also tell you about the weekend activities as they happen. I’m sitting here given my head a good scratch with my rear paw so that I can type at the same time and the best I can do is show you a photo or

two of me playing with the puppies in the garden, but even then nothing very bad happened. I was finding it very confusing having two of them out there to play with. I felt the need to keep rounding them up to stop them getting into trouble. Aristotle follows me round so he isn’t too much trouble but little Annette kept running off in the other direction. I don’t think I’m entirely cut out for baby sitting. If we’d been out there much longer I can imagine them finding a rope and tying me up. At least I would have had a good Monday Mischief photo then.

The puppies spent much of yesterday running round the kitchen and today they seem to want a quiet day. I think Aristotle is making the most of his last day with his sister around. From tomorrow he gets to be a big dog and start to spend all his time with the rest of us. To be fair I think he will get more time with me and Megan than with his mum. They don’t seem to completely hit it off. It actually makes me feel quite protective of the little guy.

My main job today is to supervise the printing of the Christmas letter. It always seems that if you walk away from the printer it chews the paper. I just have to stand there and threaten it every so often. Other than that it’s quite a quiet day. My Mistress has picked up a cold and doesn’t feel too great so doesn’t really want to be disturbed. I said it was a bit late for that as in my opinion she’s been disturbed for a long time, but she didn’t seem to think that was funny.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –


  1. Hey Alfie,

    Great to see you on the Monday Mischief Blog Hop even though you’ve got no mischief to report – I’m not surprised you haven’t got time for mischief, what with looking after the pups, supervising the Christmas letter AND looking after your Mum – sounds to me like you’re a busy pup!!

    I hope you’re getting well rewarded buddy! 🙂

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  2. We didn’t find much mischief this weekend either, I guess sometimes mischief just needs to take the weekend off:))) We will make up for it this coming weekend!

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