Well you’ve got to give this boy marks for initiative. I showed you yesterday that Aristotle has adopted grey bear as his own and was trying to get monkey from Annette, well, by the end of the day grey bear was his but the game was still on for monkey. That is until Aristotle claimed him by peeing on him. It wasn’t an accidental ‘oh dear, monkey got in the way of Aristotle peeing’. It was a ‘if he’d been a little older he would have cocked his leg and aimed at him’ sort of pee! Nice one Aristotle. Now I just have to teach you to pee on the shoes of other dog owners whose dogs you see as rivals and your training will be complete!

The vet is pleased with my progress and has reduced my medication. I’m not coming off it just yet, but I did tell them I feel years younger, which with puppies around has to be a good thing. Aristotle will decide I’m ok to play with eventually, even if I do have to wait a few weeks for him to grow a little. I did feel slightly smug when they tried delivering his rucksack while we were at the vet and so it wasn’t left. I know it’s only a short term victory but I have to claim every one I can get. To be fair, Megan or Shadow could have answered the door but they don’t appreciate the privileges he’s getting either. I think Megan would have broken ranks but Shadow threatened that she would make her life miserable if she did.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA