Then there were three. Of course the upside of that is that is a manageable number to have running round the kitchen. They had a great time tearing round in between the chairs and the table. Sadly Aristotle peed inside Megan’s bed, but he’ll learn. What is funny is that the three who are left are the three who look most like their mum. Of all of them I’ve decided that Annette is probably most like her mother in character as well as appearance, particularly at the point she had rolled Aristotle onto his back and was telling him to admit she was better than him. Mind you, at that point my relationship with my sister Esther came flooding back to me and I almost felt sorry for the poor mite. He’s got another week with Annette so I hope she isn’t too hard on him.
By the time I get chance to update you tomorrow we’ll be down to two. Adrienne is preparing to be ready for first thing in the morning. Then we have a normal week with just an extra guest. It’s going to be very odd as my Master will be away much of the week and my Mistress will have all of us to play with for the week. Megan is looking forward to a very long walk and I’m looking forward to playing outside with my new pretend stick. Happy days. At least my Mistress has promised I will be the only one on the bed from now on.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA