Little Arnie has left the building. It’s been a tough afternoon. After Dora left the others realised what was happening and cried for a long time. Duke is missing Rafa (Alan) and everyone was a bit down. I took this lovely picture of Adrienne comforting Duke. The others were worn out and asleep when Arnie left. I don’t know what’s going to happen

when they wake up and find him gone. At least the pen will be a bit smaller and a bit cosier and maybe with only four of them my Mistress can give each one a comforting cuddle and play with them for a while. Then she needs to prepare them for Duke leaving tomorrow and talk to him about his entry into the big wide world. Having lost his playmate he will be ready for a family to play with him.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –