Some people react to stress by crying, some by going off the food. I can safely say that the six remaining puppies are dealing with Alan moving out by comfort eating. You would think with 1 less puppy the food demand would go down, but at breakfast this morning they ate more than twice their normal intake and as I write this are on their third helping. The depressing thing for my Mistress is the prospect that at some point that is all going to come out of the other end.
Alan arrived safely at his new home and we heard from him last night. He slept for most of the journey and then was ready to play when he arrived. We’re all thinking of him and hoping he has a lovely day investigating all the new things in his new home today. In the meantime it is the 86th birthday of Alan after whom he is named. Happy birthday to my human maternal grandfather. All the humans went out for a meal and my Mistress had bought him a lovely photo book of photos of the last few weeks of little Alan’s life and also a notebook with a photo of little Alan all round the cover which says ‘Alan’s notebook’ on the front. They are lovely and I think he is very pleased with them.

Today it is Adrienne’s turn to be profiled. We’re not certain whether she is leaving on Sunday just yet. She is hoping to as she is now really excited about starting her new life. She is going to need to grow an extra thick coat as she is moving to the north of Scotland a very long way north of here. She is simply beautiful and the most gentle of the whole litter. She loves being cuddled and if I had had the choice of who would stay with us it would have been Adrienne I would have chosen. I’m easier around girls than I am around other boys. Aristotle is growing on me, but in a wart kind of way.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –