You know the old adage ‘anything that can go wrong will’? Well it has applied to today. My Mistress thought she had everything covered. She had change for the station car park. Alan was ready and waiting. All his paperwork was in order ready. Then when she tried to set off for the station to collect his new owners the car wouldn’t start. It’s the first time in its life that has happened. Obviously there will be a boring technical explanation, but I think the car is emotional. What I’m not sure of is whether it had got particularly attached to Alan, despite his being sick in the car on the way back from the vet the other day or whether it is because we are cleaning it up ready for sale. Never let your car know that it will be pensioned off, it will rebel and in the most awkward of circumstances.

So today we have a spot the difference competition. These photographs were taken just a few hours apart. Other than the fact they have ransacked their pen (again!) and maybe peed once or twice, can you spot the difference? My Mistress feels a little down but is very happy about the home Alan is going to.

She is looking forward to hearing how he does on meeting his new Mistress, whose mum came to pick him up. I do hope he remembers to write.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –