It’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me. I shall get the puppies to sing to me later, but I’m sorry that I won’t be able to video it as My Mistress has gone off to London to Discover Dogs at Earls Court. She is on the stand for the Entlebucher. I said she didn’t look anything like one of us but she didn’t find that all that funny. She is a bit fed up that we are either not fit to go or are too young. Then she said ‘At least for Crufts I can take Aristotle.’ That stopped me laughing. ‘What do you mean, you take Aristotle?’ I asked. Surely by then he will be living with someone else. It was then she suggested I sit down. ‘Am I going to need a drink?’ I asked, eyeing the bowl of water. The long and the short of it is that Aristotle is staying. My Master has finally conceded that if it will make everyone happy then Aristotle can stay. I don’t think he has actually consulted me and I’m not absolutely certain at this stage that I think it’s a good thing, but my Mistress has promised it won’t affect my place in the household and I will still get to sleep on the end of the bed. It therefore looks as though I need to decide which days of the week I want off and delegate some work to him before he gets his paws too settled under the table. I may draw up a few rules of the house too. Nothing unreasonable, just protecting my own position. I’m starting to think that when I was emphasising ‘Go’ Aristotle as an encouragement, I was using the word ‘go’ in the wrong context. It should have been more ‘go!’ Aristotle.
Today there will not be a video this afternoon. I know you’ve had one every day except the one they were ill, but I shall have to start weaning you at some point. Anyway, my Mistress isn’t here to help me operate the camera and although I said we could video something in advance she said that rather defeated the object of monitoring them day by day.

What I can bring you is a little update on Alan. It is interesting but we are really beginning to think that he and Duke (Amigo) were twins and came from the same egg. We were thinking that but thought it impossible as they were not born consecutively, but then the vet explained that twins would be on the same side of Shadow most likely and as she gives birth alternately from one side then the other it is very likely they could be twins with one born between them. They are just so alike and have been very close to each other since birth. It will be interesting to see if they stay alike as they get older. The old nature versus nurture debate will be followed with interest.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
happy birthday Alfie – take care !
Happy birthday, Alfie. I promise I’ll be good. Love Aristotle.
Happy Birthday Alfie! And Hurrah that Aristotle’s staying 🙂
Happy Birthday Alfie!! I’m sure you’ll be a great uncle raising Aristole.
Just think about all the times when ‘girls’ got their way because there are 2 of them. Now you’ll have reinforcements for the ‘boys’ team.
Happy Birthday Alfie! Guess what? I’ve just seen your b’day pressie – it looked very nice! :o)
I’m a bit jealous you’re getting a puppy to raise actually – imagine how much you can start delegating to him, and the next time you chew a shoe by accident you know who’ll get the blame. I think Aristotle can turn out to be quite an asset for a clever dog as yourself :o)