Wednesday 9th November 2011 – Aristotle here

Well it’s me again, Aristotle. Alfie said I could have another little go and he would spend the morning in bed. I’m trying to persuade him it would be all right for me to stay, but to be honest he isn’t totally sold on the idea. I may have made a bit of a mistake in seeing whether I could get any milk from him as Mum wasn’t available. Aunty Megan didn’t seem to mind nearly as much but I have to say Uncle Alfie can really growl.

It’s been a stressful week with lots of new situations. I’d like to think I’ve coped quite well, but I’m probably kidding myself. When I went up to the bathroom because my Mistress was having a shower I didn’t like the sound of the fan or the shower. I was brave. I sat on the bath mat the whole time and waited for her to give me another cuddle. I didn’t realise humans had skin under their clothes. I thought they just grew like that. I suppose I did wonder how come they looked different each day, but I hadn’t really thought about it.

Then there was the Great Outdoors. I think you may have seen a picture of that. I just sat on the patio and looked round. I always think it’s better to get your bearings before going charging in. I think wet grass is overrated, but the feeling of sunshine on my fur was quite nice. Then there was kitchen-time. I’ve been in the kitchen twice now while my Mistress gets tea. The first time I cuddled up to a cat that was very cold and didn’t move. I was told later it was a cast iron doorstop painted as a cat, but I found it comforting none-the-less. On

the second occasion I was give my own towel to curl up on. To be precise I was given two – I peed on the first one in my confusion as to its purpose. I did lie on the second one, but then Uncle Alfie said he wanted it, so I sat between my Mistress’s feet on the floor.

I was really brave this morning. I pounced on one of my siblings. To be fair it was my little sister and she was asleep at the time, but I at least tried. I’m not ready to take on my bigger brothers and sisters yet as they might pounce back and then I want to hide.

I’ve got to go for a sleep now. It’s been a tiring morning and I still have the whole day to get through. I wish I knew whether I was going to stay living here or not. My Mistress does still say it would be better if she found me the right home, but I like it here and I really would like to stay. I feel safe, although she says I would still have to go out into the big wide world and I’m really not sure about that. Some of the others just take it in their stride, but I don’t find it very easy. It’s not so bad when I’ve got Adrienne or Mum or Aunty Megan to hold my paw, but I’m worried about doing it on my own.

See you soon.

Love from Aristotle.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –