Monday 7th November 2011 – The Great Outdoors and Dora

Yesterday we visited The Great Outdoors. It went very well. Alan didn’t want to come in. Duke was game for any adventures. Aristotle was more cautious and sat and had a good look round. He

was clearly thinking about it all, maybe he is my kind of dog.

My Mistress’s keyboard exam went reasonably well. She made some errors due to nerves and as she expected completely messed up the singing bit, but she wasn’t expecting that bit to work out. She doesn’t know the result yet but the examiner did say she was safe to carry on with the next level.

Today Aristotle has been given special treatment and was taken upstairs with us when my Mistress went for a shower. I don’t mind him being with us until he gets confused and thinks he can suckle on me for milk. I’ve got news for you little buddy, that is NEVER going to work or endear you to me! We did have a bit of a chat about if he stayed here and he suggested that if he did he could help me with my diary and then Maybe I could have a day off now and again. I can see the merit in that idea. He made sure I knew he was happy for it still to be ‘Alfie’s’ Diary and it wasn’t a bid on his part for equal recognition. This boy could go far with such levels of sensitivity and diplomacy.

Little Dora now has a lovely pink blanket and will be enjoying some blanket time later on. She is becoming quite adorable and to be honest seems to get more lovely as the days go by. She missed out on the Great Outdoors yesterday as she was asleep. It’s a bit cold today but if the weather improves she will get her own little expedition later.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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