Sunday update and video

I’ve just worked out that the puppies when added together now weigh more than I do. Not by very much but they are now heavier than me. It’s now wonder that my Mistress is planning to do two separate trips when she takes them for their injections in a week’s time. By the time they leave for their homes they will weigh around 6kg each – that’s 42kg between them – that’s a lot of puppy!

I’m afraid I didn’t get round to putting the collars on for today’s video. You can recognise Dora from the white on her right shoulder (as long as you know your left and right) and Alan and Duke are the ones with white to the left of the middle of their backs (Alan’s patch is the slightly larger one). Annette has a slightly wonky white stripe on her forehead and Arnold is the other one that has more white on his nose and two black spots. Then Adrienne although the white on her forehead is straight has a little more black on the right side of her nose than the left. Then there is Aristotle, who is no longer the smallest one but in my Mistress’s eyes is definitely perfect in every way. You can see the video here.

Duke put on a massive 300g but that only brings him up to just below Alan. They really are as close as you can get to twins.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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