Saturday video – the amazing game of chase

Well the puppy mats were an unmitigated disaster. I can tell you that once wet and shredded, they are very difficult to clean up! I can also confirm that per kilogram of newsprint ‘The Saturday Telegraph’ is the best value, although we nearly plumped for ‘Farmer’s Weekly’ as it did look the better read! The Telegraph is now in its rightful place and the puppies are happily peeing on it.

Today they have suddenly decided that they quite like the dry food and have ploughed their way through the entire dish full, twice. It is causing some confusion for meal times and we may have to reconsider its plentiful availability but it is good that they like it as they are going to be eating it for a long time.

Grey teddy was wrenched from his hanging place and viciously assaulted. He has been rescued and is not too traumatised. He has now been reattached to his position.

Today’s video is called ‘the amazing game of chase’ and you can see it here.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –