Having rescued my diary from the clutches of Aristotle, who if you ask me proved all too popular yesterday, it is time for me to write about his little sister Adrienne. Adrienne started as the largest girl, but of course at that stage it was all relative and there weren’t really that many grams in it. She has made good steady progress but without some of the massive daily gains that some of the others have managed. She is now the lightest and even Aristotle is making up ground on the others compared to Adrienne. She is so like Aristotle that not many people immediately tell them apart. The only facial difference is that the black on her nose comes down very slightly further on one side, just like her mum’s. Both of them can be found running to ask for a cuddle at every opportunity and avoiding the rougher games with their siblings. I’d have liked her to have the opportunity to stay here, but she is going off to be only the second Entlebucher to live in Scotland and will be the furthest north in the UK.
Weigh in has been brought forward to earlier in the morning to coincide with a time my Mistress is available and the puppies are asleep. The time we were doing it is no longer one of their favoured sleep times, which was making it extremely difficult and a very lengthy process. It’s bad enough trying to get them to calm down so we can clean them out. What we really need is a second playpen to put them in so that they can keep playing while we do it. If they are still active when we put them in the confined area of the crate they start fighting and that is never good. Ok, scrap that, while I was writing my Mistress discovered how true it is that time of day affects weight and she was getting some unhelpful readings so she is going to wait until later. She has also taken the whelping box out of the pen to use it for containment and the puppies are not happy. To say they are crying and I want to cover my ears would be putting it mildly.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA