The puppies are back to their lively normal selves. Toys are being attacked with new ferocity. Tails, ears and legs are being pounced on and all’s right with the world. I’m off the vet this morning, thank you for all you enquiries and will be able to tell you what the problem is later. To be honest I feel a bit of a fraud as I haven’t really yelped that much the last couple of days. That’s not just because I’m being brave. The whole family will tell you I don’t ‘do’ brave. I’m the wimp of the pack. Don’t you often notice that with us big strong men? We are the ones that reel at the sight of blood and faint at the prospect of a needle. I like to think it makes us endearing.
Life got one step more complicated yesterday. Megan’s season has started. Don’t worry she’s not about to be mated. There won’t be any more puppies running around just yet. There are a couple of problems though. Firstly she needs a lot of exercise or she starts driving even herself mad. There is only so long that my Mistress can play ball with her in the back garden and given that my Mistress’s hand has not fully recovered it isn’t easy for her to throw the ball either. The second problem is that Megan is supposed to be representing our breed on the Discover Dogs stand at Earls Court in a couple of weekends time. She was all set for her day out and was quite excited about it. Shadow says she can’t be expected to go, particularly as she’s not so keen on trains. That leaves me. I don’t mind trains, but if my Mistress takes me on the train she will have absolutely no leg room. The second problem is that I am not always that keen on other dogs. I got bitten when I was younger and I’m in no hurry to let it happen again. Then there is the problem that everyone thinks a dog wants his ears stroked and pulled and I don’t know why but my ears hurt when people do that and I yelp. My Mistress can’t spend all afternoon saying ‘mind his ears’!

Today it is not so little Duke’s (Amigo) turn for an update. He was back to second place in size yesterday with Alan having overtaken him again, but the two are running very close. They both wag their tails a lot and seem very happy dogs.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –