Thanks to excessive peeing and pooing we have finally had to sink to the level of raiding the newspaper recycling bin by the village hall. Oh the shame of it. We as a household are resolved never to throw out another newspaper in our lives. We will stack them up ready for the next puppies. We will give whole rooms over to them if necessary. Let us never have to steal other people’s waste again. Incidentally, we are running low on carrier bags for the waste too and may need to resort to buying them! Seven puppies produce a huge amount of waste for such tiny bodies.
The puppies had a quiet night, but my Master is now used to having the whole bed to himself and consequently managed to wake my Mistress with arms and legs sprawled over her side of the bed. Given it was 5.15am she got up to feed the puppies, who were all waiting patiently at the end of the pen watching for the door opening and us bringing breakfast. After that she didn’t feel tired so decided she may as well get on with the day. Something tells me she’s going to pay for this later. In the meantime the puppies were reenergised by breakfast and began a trail of riotous destruction on their puppy pen. I would not want to be one of their toys when they are in that frame of mind. They have just started having normal puppy food mixed in with their puppy starter and all I can say is that if it gives them that much energy then I want some! Of course there are those who remember me at that age who will point out I did have that sort of energy and it may not have been wholly the responsibility of the food. My Mistress was going to clean them out, but there is little point until they run out of steam. She learnt the other morning that if she does it too early they immediately make the nice clean tidy pen resemble a war zone.
The puppies are missing having as many visitors on constant call for cuddles. With 7 of them, and me getting jealous, it’s quite difficult to give them all the cuddling they would like. My Mistress has said that when she cleans them out this morning she will ask me if I mind sitting in the other room so that I don’t have to watch her giving each one a cuddle. I’d have preferred her not to tell me that was the reason. Just knowing what is going on is enough to fuel my jealousy.

Today it is Dora’s (Avril) day for an update. She really is like Alan and Duke (Amigo). You would know they were siblings without being told. It is going to be so interesting seeing how they develop as they get older to find if they all stay as similar. This would be an answer to the whole nature / nurture debate. Anyway, she is lovely. Full of fun and very cuddly. She is disappointed with her green colour and says she’d have liked something a little more flamboyant. She has asked Duke if she can have the red one, but he says he wouldn’t consider swapping for green.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
If anything, they’re getting cuter!
She is so lovely, and green is the colour of nature. Going to buy a blanket tomorrow, I will stop wearing deoderant just for her.