Never start a telephone conversation with my Mistress with ‘Sorry to call you so late’. If you do you may get the same response as the poor man last night at whom she snapped “You’re not, otherwise you wouldn’t be ringing me.” Now to be fair, she has a point. If he was sorry about the time he’d have rung her earlier. As it turned out, by the time she’d finished with him he was sorry he’d rung her at all, but that’s what comes of trying to sell to my Mistress. She has a philosophy that if she wants to buy something she will come to you and pity the poor sales person that tries to turn the tables!
The puppies started the day with an ‘eat as much as you like’ buffet, consisting of several courses of puppy mush, all of which were approached with equal enthusiasm. They slept through the night again so tonight my Mistress has said we can go back to our usual bed and not sleep downstairs. We’ll have the baby monitor just in case.
Shadow is only being encouraged to go in to feed the puppies once a day for a few days now and then they will be fully weaned. They have all coped with it remarkably well and although they would love to continue to have milk, they have understood why it can’t stay that way and their teeth are really very sharp for poor Shadow.

Annette is still by far the biggest girl and is always ready for a cuddle. She has an endearing way of lifting her paws up as soon as anyone goes near the pen so that she can be picked up easily. She is quite a little character and can hold her own with her more boisterous siblings. Her usual means of retaliation is to bite their tails and it is not uncommon to find one of the others running round the pen squealing with Annette attached to their tail.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –