You can just imagine how my Mistress was last night when Aristotle was poorly. To say she was the indulgent mum would be putting it mildly. He isn’t the only one that isn’t completely right yet. Annette is now a little unwell and so too is Arnold. Amigo, Avril and Alan seem to be completely over it, so they have been promised time in the playpen, even if it is just the three of them.
What I didn’t tell you is that when my Mistress went to the recycling bin to steal the newspapers she couldn’t actually reach into the bin. We have reached newspaper crisis today. She is going to try calling on some of our neighbours first, but if that fails she is going to have to find something to stand on to climb into the recycling bin. I wish I could be there with the camera, but I think she is rather hoping that no one will see her. It would be so funny if she got caught. You can just see her inviting the police officer home to meet the puppies.
Today it is Amigo’s turn for a few words. He’s a fun loving puppy that much is certain. Whether it is climbing out, tunnelling under the vet bed or generally being in the middle of the action, Amigo is sure to be there. He and Alan are definitely out of the same mould. Except for a few more white hairs on Alan’s back they are pretty much twins. Amigo is going to live in the south of England and says he is looking forward to the warmer climate. He may be changing his name too, but he has no idea what to yet. I suggested Macavity, but said he was still thinking about it and that was a cat’s name anyway. He has doubled his body weight in the last two weeks to make him the heaviest puppy and he has made some progress on catching up with what his body weight should be at this stage. In comparative terms he’s only a few
days behind where I was at the same stage. We think he’s going to be like his dad. In fact from looking at them, three of the boys will look much like their dad and so will Avril. The other two girls and Aristotle are more like their mum. In fact Aristotle and Adrienne could be twins too.
We have received news that your prayers for Freddy (Shadow’s brother) are working, He is still very ill with something with a very long name that is all about his auto immune system, but his treatment is working. His liver is suffering as a result of the treatment, so it isn’t all good news just yet and he has lost 6kg, but it is going in the right direction. Please keep praying for him.
I love the photo of you and Amigo – he’s just got this wonderful puppy look on his face! I hope he moves close to London so we can have playdates, he seems like a fun boy! 🙂
All being well he is moving to Hampshire – so not so very far away. I think I will have to move south!
Thank you all for praying for Freddy he is doing so much better .
All our love to Alfie and his big big family
A special big hug to sister Shadow
Love Freddy and Rocky