Friday 1st July 2011 – Megan passes bronze

Wonderful news for us dogs. At last the United Kingdom has seen sense and brought its travel requirements into line with the rest of Europe. From the beginning of January next year we will be able to travel to and from without having to wait 3 6 months after a rabies jab. We will only have to wait 21 days. We won’t need to have a blood test to be allowed to travel and we won’t have to have tick treatment every time. It will make it all so much easier. It will actually make it possible to bring more of my breed into this country without the difficulties and costs. I’m really very excited and grateful to the Irish who announced they were changing the rules which then left the UK with a difficult situation if they didn’t.

Good news for Megan. She passed her bronze Good Citizen award this week. I’ve never know my Mistress so nervous. She has been allowed to do the classes ready for her silver exam next week and in the class before her test she started playing with Seamus the red setter. It was all downhill from there and she just wouldn’t behave. My Mistress was terrified when she took her to the place she had to be to do the test, but Megan settled down and behaved perfectly. That means if she isn’t on her way to Switzerland she will sit her silver test next week. I think for that one my Mistress will be a complete wreck

While they were at dog training they tried desperate measures with Shadow, getting her to sit in a crate for half an hour that had housed a dog on heat. Now we just anxiously await a result!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –