I was feeling a little poetic earlier and came up with the following.
The Electronic Charter
For e-verything there is a season and a time for e-very communication known to man.
A time to tweet and a time to refrain from chirping.
A time to blog and a time to keep your family mishaps to yourself.
A time to email and a time keep your thoughts to yourself.
A time to reply to all and a time to keep your reply to the main recipient.
A time to go public and a time to use blind copy.
A time to press send and a time to consign to the waste bin.
A time to befriend and a time to be honest that you don’t know who they are.
A time to live publicly and a time not to comment on Facebook.
For e-verything there is a season and a time for e-very communication known to man.
That will probably be the extent of my poetic thoughts for this year, so I suggest you make the most of it. I’m now going to find a corner to lie down with a cool flannel on my forehead to recover.
One of the most worrying things with my Mistress away as that we boys are supposed to be taking care of the seedlings. We don’t know the first thing about them. If you ask me some of them look as though they have died already and the others need some attention. Is this the point you stroke them and utter kind words or would they prefer some water? I don’t fancy the chances of them all being alive when she gets back. I think we might be answering for a few deaths through neglect.