My Mistress should be on the train by now, travelling back from Switzerland. I can’t wait to see all the pictures of Megan. I’m looking forward to hearing all about her and about the other dogs that my Mistress has met. There really ought to be a version of Facebook just for dogs, where we could all keep track of what each other are doing.
I am looking forward to both going home and then going on holiday. Shadow and I are being taken to Scotland for the first time. We are going to a place called Pitlochry, which I think means being in the car for quite a long time, but my Mistress has promised that we’ll like it when we get there. I’m not sure what’s special about Pitlochry, I’ll have to tell you that after we’ve been. Shadow is anxious about the journey. I’ve been trying to explain that the best thing to do is get yourself into a comfortable position and then go to sleep for a while. The journey passes really quickly then. She’s not as good at sitting still as me and finds it much harder to get comfortable. She’s still at the stage of saying “Are we nearly there yet?” even on short journeys. I need to be patient with her and take things with us to keep her amused. She may not be quite big enough to see out of the window when she’s sitting up, so there will be severe limitations to playing I-spy. We could play the game the children like, where you go round the car building up a shopping list and have to remember what everyone else has said, but that doesn’t work very well with two and I’m not sure that my Master and Mistress will want to play. They have enough of it with the children.