I’m pleased to say that Shadow is not sure that she likes marzipan. She shrugged and said that she’d eat it if she had to. At that point I rushed in and told her that if she wasn’t sure then I’d willingly eat it for her, which all things considered seemed like a fair deal. I think I could have helped myself to the whole lot, seeing as my Mistress was quite distracted with the computer printer that had a funny turn and refused to copy or scan. Being my Mistress, she soon found from the internet that the problem was terminal and the printer needs to go to the heaven for old bits of computer equipment. She then went onto the internet to select a replacement item. Unfortunately she couldn’t print the details out and didn’t write them down. Sadly she misremembered the number and couldn’t find the model in the store. She chose another which was out of stock and ended up coming home to order the original one on line. It wasn’t available for home delivery, but she can go to collect one from the same store that didn’t have it on display, whilst they did have displayed ones they didn’t have! By this time she wished she’d never started.
We are all supposed to be sitting down to watch the Andy Murray tennis match this afternoon. To be honest, I may well doze through most of it but Shadow is quite a television watcher. She did that thing of looking behind the set to see of there was anyone there the other day. At that point I was able to nod wisely and say I already knew that they weren’t. I just can’t work out how they get all those tiny figures inside the box and how they come and go without me noticing.