Well I wasn’t expecting this. My Mistress is in London for the day so I’ve been brought to kennels. It’s hard to reconcile when I’m told regularly that I’m the only mature one left in the house when she goes out. She tried to explain that was the problem. I might be mature, but without her there is no one to look after me. No one listens when I say I need to go out. No one remembers to take me for a walk. All in all, if I don’t come to kennels there is a risk of my having a very frustrating day. Of course when I do come to kennels, there is the risk of my having a good bark and rolling in something smelly, which from my point of view does offer considerable compensation for the lack of home comforts and it is only for one day.
Back in the real world either nothing of any importance is happening, or the world has got is priorities seriously muddled. For the last couple of days, the headlines have been about what celebrities have names their new babies. Now let me get this straight, the world’s financial markets are in turmoil, businesses are going bust daily and the most important thing to think about is how unusual the name of Ben Affleck’s baby is. Perhaps it should have been called ‘Woolworth’ to immortalise that sadly departed enterprise. Just in case you now feel you can’t live another moment without hearing what they actually called her, it was Seraphina.
We are at least nearly half way through January and I’ve got itchy feet to do some travelling. I’m not planning to go alone, I need to persuade my Mistress to come with me, but it does rather feel as though it has been ages since we’ve been anywhere exciting.