This whole behaviour thing is being taken very seriously. I can’t even add ‘except by me’, as I’m being left with no choice but to be a ‘good Alfie’. It has its upsides as well as it downsides, so I’m not really complaining. The biggest down side is this wretched half choke collar. You really can’t forget you’re wearing that if you try rushing off into the undergrowth after an exciting smell. I don’t know about choke but I certainly ended up having a good cough. Another downside of the whole process is that my Mistress is suggesting that I should lose a kilo or two. She thinks that this will make me easier for her to pull back. What I don’t think she’s thought about is that with a new trimmer figure I would find it easier to pull away! Now for the good bit, I’ve got a new friend and she’s a Labrador.
The advice my Mistress has been given is that I should spend some time with some nice Labradors that don’t dislike me, so that I can get the hang of the fact that they are ok. This meant that yesterday I went to meet Poppy. I had to walk past her and round her and let her walk round and past me and all the time I was supposed to behave myself. On the whole I did and when I didn’t it was only that I wanted to meet her and thought she was a bit of all right. The good news is that I am going to see her again one day next week and then as she lives at the kennels near here, I shall get to see lots of her when I go to stay in a couple of weeks time. I’m already starting to think that maybe Labrador’s aren’t so bad after all.