Saturday 27th December 2014 – Exciting News

Me and my little sister Dora

It’s Aristotle here and you’re going to have to wait for more news on my brothers and sisters because I need to tell you about my Mother and my brother from another mother! Shadow went to meet Rolex yesterday. Obviously I asked what he was like and was a bit fed up when Shadow said he was really lovely and much more gentle and quiet than I am. I can be quiet, it’s just that I choose not to be! Anyway, they played for half an hour and really got on well. Before they met, Rolex’s human asked if it did not work with him should they try her other boy Max. Our Mistress laughed and said when Shadow is ready to mate she isn’t fussy. I didn’t think that was a very nice thing to say about my Mum, but have to accept it’s true. After they had a good play they got serious and I’m concerned to tell you that my Mother has now mated with my brother. Now I know they aren’t related, but there is no way I can look at that sentence without feeling just a little bit concerned.

The whole thing is exciting if I don’t think about the gory details. Firstly it will hopefully mean that in nine weeks’ time I have some more brothers and sisters and secondly it means we now know when our Mistress will be coming home.  Mum will go to see Rolex again tomorrow and then on Sunday too, but first thing on Monday they will pack the car up and start the long drive back to us all. They will be home in time for New Year so we’re all very happy. Alfie is pleased by the news, but said he didn’t have the same qualms about Shadow mating that I have as it is not his mother. He does feel a little protective of her too, but he trusts our Mistress to look after her. I’ll bring you a photo of them as soon as I can, but it might have to wait until they come home.

I should say happy birthday to Cinderella too. She was the only one of the litter last year born before midnight. Have a lovely day, little sister.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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